Mass times
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday |
07:30 11:00 19:30 |
Sunday |
08:00 09:30 11:00 12:30 |

11:30 -12:00
4:00pm – 5:00pm

Eucharistic Ministers
Assist with distribution of the host at masses and also visit the housebound.

By arrangement. More details available by phone
028 3026 2178
or by e-mail lectiocentre35@gmail.com

By arrangement. More details available by phone
028 3026 2178
or by e-mail lectiocentre35@gmail.com

Baptisms are held in St Catherine’s, at 3pm, on the 2nd and 4th Sunday of each month.
These are the dates for the upcoming pre baptism meetings:
Venue: Newry Parish Centre
Time: 7.30 pm
May 17th
June 21st;
July 19th;
August 16th;
September 20th
(Third Wednesday of each month)
- To book a baptism you should go first to the Cathedral Parish Office in Hill Street. There you will be able to arrange a date for your child’s baptism.
- You will be given a copy of “Baptism into God’s Family” booklet. Complete the form on the inside of the back cover and return it to the Cathedral Parish Office.
The Christian names, on the form, should be exactly the same as those on the child’s birth certificate. You will also register for the pre baptism meeting.
- All parents and godparents will be asked to participate in the short pre baptism meeting. This is to prepare for the celebration of the Sacrament of Baptism. The venue for the meeting is the Newry Parish Centre. The meeting takes place at 7.30pm on the 3rd Wednesday, of each month. At this meeting the date for your child’s baptism will be confirmed.
- It is important that you contact the Dominican Priory, in person, and speak to the priest on duty to let them know that you wish to have your child baptised in St. Catherine’s.
- A member of the Baptism team will contact you before the baptism.
- The Cathedral Parish Office staff will e-mail the details of your child’s baptism to St. Catherine’s.
- After the child has been baptised, arrangements will be made for the baptism form to be signed by the celebrant. The child’s baptism will then be registered and recorded. This is the only official baptismal register, and it is kept in Newry Cathedral Parish Office.